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When is root canal treatment necessary?

canal treatment necessary Therapy

A root canal treatment is a dental procedure that involves removing the soft center of the tooth, the pulp when it is infected. This pulp is made up of nerves, connective tissue and blood vessels that contribute to the growth of the tooth. Root canal treatment is performed by a general dentist or endodontist, and requires local anesthesia.

An alternative to root canal treatment is tooth extraction, during which the dentist may replace a damaged tooth with a bridge , partial denture , or implant . Dr. Brice can explain all the options available to you so that you can make the best choice for your situation.When is root canal treatment necessary?We will recommend a root canal treatment if the soft inner part of a tooth, i.e. the pulp, is injured, inflamed or infected. The crown of the tooth, that is the part you can see above your gums, can remain intact even if the pulp is dead. Removing injured or infected pulp is the best way to preserve tooth structure.The most common causes of pulp damage are:

a tooth injury (you can hurt your tooth if you are hit in the mouth; the pulp can be damaged even if your tooth is not cracked).
The most common symptoms of a damaged pulp are pain in the tooth, swelling and a feeling of warmth in the gum. The dentist will examine the painful tooth and take x-rays to confirm the diagnosis.

Do you suffer from the symptoms described above? Contact the Brice Dental Center without delay When you arrive for your appointment for a root canal treatment, a member of our team will accompany you to the treatment room. You will be installed on a chair and a flap will be placed around your neck to protect your clothes.

The procedure begins with anesthesia:

the dentist will place a small amount of anesthetic gel on your gums, near the tooth to be treated. You may feel a pinching or burning sensation, but this will pass quickly.

When your tooth is numb, the dentist will make a small opening in the upper part of the tooth. He will be particularly attentive to cleaning all the canals of the tooth.

Once the pulp is removed, the dentist may coat the area with a topical antibiotic to make sure the infection is gone and to prevent re-infection. After the canals are cleaned and disinfected, the dentist will fill and seal the tooth with a sealant and a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. They may also prescribe oral antibiotics.

The procedure will end by filling the small opening on the top of the tooth with a soft, temporary material. This filling material prevents the canals from being damaged by saliva.

Do you have questions about your next appointment for a root canal treatment? Do not hesitate to contact us; it is with pleasure that we will answer all your questions.Follow-up after root canal treatmentIn fact, the goal of root canal treatment is to help you avoid the pain associated with a decayed or fractured tooth. It is completely normal for your teeth and gums to be sore when the effect of the anesthetic wears off. Your gums could also swell. Most of the time, over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) are enough to ease the pain. The pain is usually mild to moderate and only lasts a few days after root canal treatment. Any pain beyond this point could warrant additional canal cleaning or other procedures. Contact us immediately if the pain persists for more than a few days. Thanks to our emergency service, we will be able to receive you quickly.

It may take you several weeks to get used to the feeling of the tooth after the procedure. This is normal and you shouldn’t worry about it. However, please do not hesitate to call us with any concerns.Care after root canal treatmentA root canal is considered a restorative procedure. Most people who undergo this procedure can enjoy the positive results for the rest of their lives. However, it should be understood that the duration of the results depends on how you take care of your teeth.

Just as the rest of your teeth depend on good oral hygiene habits, your restored tooth requires regular brushing and flossing. For advice on the best dental hygiene habits after your root canal treatment, do not hesitate to consult a member of our team .Root canal treatments at Brice Dental CenterAlthough root canals have a bad reputation, the reality is that they can be performed with minimal discomfort. Advances in technology and treatment techniques allow our dentist to perform your root canal treatment quickly and comfortably so that you can regain your oral health as quickly as possible. We will review the procedure with you before proceeding with the treatment and discuss any sedation options you may need at that time. For more information on root canal treatment and to schedule your consultation, please contact Brice Dental Center today.

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